Dr. Stephanie Valberg & Cajun

Over the last year Cajun became really unhappy being tacked up, he was reluctant to go forward and he would buck in corners, canter transitions and after fences. I spent 6 months with saddle fitters, trying saddles, modifying them and nothing got any better. I was so disheartened. I heard about the adjust-ability of [EQ] saddles and thought it worth a try. Having the customer support so readily available and the scientific approach Carmi took to adjusting Cajun's saddles was amazing. I loved that he didn't have to be symmetrical for the saddle to fit, that left and right panels move independently and flexibly. I loved that I could ride in it and then adjust it. AND boy did Cajun love it too. It was so great to have a trial period because each day he trusted it more and got steadier in my hand and better in the turns and the quality of his canter transformed. Thank you for all you do for our horses and their comfort! We are back in the saddle again and having fun!

EQ Saddle Science