How often do you really look at your horse's feet? Did you know that uneven front heels will cause uneven shoulders, which will very often result in a saddle fitting issue? In celebration of National Farrier's Week, we've invited noted Rehabilitation, Hoof Care, and Equine Bodywork Practitioner Ann Ramsey to weigh in on the critical relationship between hooves and shoulders.
“As a farrier and equine rehabilitation professional, I see shoulder asymmetries paired with asymmetrical front hooves everyday. When I shoe high-heel/ low-heel horses, I treat each foot individually and aim to improve the function of each. The same is true for the shoulders of these horses. Horses need a saddle that allows the unique movement of each shoulder blade. This is one of the many reasons I recommend EQ Saddle Science saddles. They've created a saddle that allows the most fluid movement of each shoulder, while preserving stability of the seat for the rider. Freedom for the horse, paired with stability for the rider is an amazing achievement. EQ Saddles Science has provided the detailed studies of their saddles in action, to prove their claims. This helps me provide my clients with evidence based solutions for soundness. “
-Ann Ramsey BS, CERA, APF-I